Welcome to Watimage pages

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Welcome to Watimage pages!

Here you’ll find, among documentation and api information, tutorials and other useful information about how to use Watimage.

Check out some of the (currently) available categories:

If this is your first time using Watimage, you may begin with the usage pages.

All the posts and pages in here have a hader image generated with Watimage. At the end of each page/post you’ll find a section like the one below, which shows you the steps done for generating such image:

About the header image

For the header image the following code has been executed:

$image = new Image('el-carmel-viewpoint.jpg');
  ->colorize(['r' => 100, 'g' => 70, 'b' => 50, 'a' => 0])

Both the image and the original can be found under gh-pages branch, inside images folder.

Basic Watimage Usage

After you [configured Watimage](./usage/setup) you're ready to start using it andhere's an easy usage introduction.The common use scenari...… Continue reading