Basic Watimage Usage

After you configured Watimage you’re ready to start using it and here’s an easy usage introduction.

The common use scenario usually is:

  • User uploads an image.
  • Store the uploaded file on the server.
  • Modify it (resizing, applying a watermark or whatever).
  • Save the resulting image in a new file to preserve to original, so we can re-use it in the future.

Let’s see how to do this —remember that I’m considering that you already have loaded composer’s autoloader.

use Elboletaire\Watimage\Image;

$original = '/path/for/your/original/image-file.jpeg';
$resized = '/path/for/your/resized/image-file.jpeg';

// I'm using move_uploaded_file just for comprehension purposes. Use here
// whatever upload strategy you usually use.
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'], $original)) {
  $image = new Image($original);

    // Reduce it to 800x600 (maintaining aspect ratio)
    ->resize('reduce', 800, 600)

  // Let's say we've finished
  return true;

Easy, right?

Let’s see now how can you add a Watermark:

use Elboletaire\Watimage\Image;
use Elboletaire\Watimage\Watermark;

$original = '/path/for/your/original/image-file.jpeg';
$resized = '/path/for/your/resized/image-file.jpeg';
$watermark = '/path/to/your/watermark.png';

if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'], $original)) {
  $image = new Image($original);
  $watermark = new Watermark($watermark);

    ->resize('reduce', 800, 600)

    // apply method returns the Image instance,
    // that's why we can directly generate it

  return true;

Watimage guesses the file type from its mime type. In case the mime type cannot be detected, will guess the file type from its extension.

For that reason you cannot use load to load a non-uploaded file as temaqueja tried.

But there’s a workaround for this.

Since version 2.0.5 you have two new methods, fromString and toString, that can help you handle situations like this.

Particulary the fromString method is the one that we want here:

use Elboletaire\Watimage\Image;

$image = new Image();
// now do whatever you want with the image

About the header image

For the header image the following code has been executed:

$image = new Image('peke.jpg');
    ->resizeCrop(1100, 400)

Both the image and the original can be found under gh-pages branch, inside images folder.

Welcome to Watimage pages

Welcome to Watimage pages!

Here you’ll find, among documentation and api information, tutorials and other useful information about how to use Watimage.

Check out some of the (currently) available categories:

If this is your first time using Watimage, you may begin with the usage pages.

All the posts and pages in here have a hader image generated with Watimage. At the end of each page/post you’ll find a section like the one below, which shows you the steps done for generating such image:

About the header image

For the header image the following code has been executed:

$image = new Image('el-carmel-viewpoint.jpg');
  ->colorize(['r' => 100, 'g' => 70, 'b' => 50, 'a' => 0])

Both the image and the original can be found under gh-pages branch, inside images folder.