Watimage Class Usage

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The Watimage class has been created for backwards compatibility purposes.

If you were using Watimage prior to its 2.0 version (with composer) you’ll find this helpful if you don’t want to update your code or, maybe, you wanna use Watimage the old way (not recommended at all).

The Watimage class is just a bridge between the Image and the Watermark class. Note that if you’re not using composer you’ll need to require all the required Watimage files (that means all the exceptions too) to make everything work as expected.

// We need to use the composer's autoloader. Otherwise we'll need to load
// every required class by Watimage (that's more than 8 files)
// require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Elboletaire\Watimage\Watimage;

$wm = new Watimage();

// Resize image to 400x400px
$wm->resize(array('type' => 'resizecrop', 'size' => 400));

// Flip it horitzontally

// Rotate 90 degrees

// Apply the watermark

// Generate and save image
if ( !$wm->generate('result.png') ) {
    // handle errors...

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About the header image

For the header image the following code has been executed:

$image = new Image('sweet-home-original.jpg');
    ->resize('resizeCrop', 1920, 600)

Both the image and the original can be found under gh-pages branch, inside images folder.